
Showing posts from March, 2018
Here is an example of the final schedule and what it looks like. This was for the past month of February.

Flow Chart of Athletic Scheduling

Description: The Flowchart represents how the scheduling is dealt with at Chatham. It starts by being sent to other coaches revise their sports schedules as they make them themselves before sending it to other coaches.  Or the other event that occurs is it will be sent directly to Leonard.  Then there is a time period where approval must happen next in order for the schedule to be taken further. Then one of two things happen either the schedule is approved and it is either reviewed by other coaches or it is reviewed only by Leonard, or if for whatever the reason of it not being approve then the revising of the schedule is taken place.  Once this happens then the schedules are sent to out to the teams.  The last steps that needs to take place are the schedule is put on a google doc for the front desk as well as the schedule is put on the Chatham website.  After talking to the the assistant athletic director we became aware that there a few steps that are n...